Les Balm ®                            Certified Organic 100%

Food For Beautiful, Healthy, Skin        Les Balm, Chic Cheeky Chicky, Ooo Les Balm

Cannabis Hemp Ingredients Imported from Canada

lesbalmchic@gmail.com                   Les Balm Ingredient Attributes

Quality Food For Tissue Cell Repair & Regrowth In All Mammals

Les Balm is a salve containing healing and restorative properties produced by mushrooms, healing seed oils, herbs and flowers.  The synergy between these precious organic foods benefit mammals by reducing pain and aging related issues, and or accelerated healing.  I personally apply Les Balm to my body, head to toe, every time I bathe.  I simmered my first preparation of  Les Balm fifteen years ago when my Mother had a place on her leg that had not healed in three years.  You can see the photo of her healed leg, how healthy the lesion looks after only four weeks of my applying a thin layer on wound about three times a day.
Les Balm is so pure organically, you can actually eat it.  The majority of the mushrooms in Les Balm are actually common in Asian Food Markets.
The flowers and herbs each in their own properties are scientifically noted as healing plants.  After a lengthy simmer, rendered oil is solidified with beeswax.
Beeswax is anti-fungal, as is an attribute of all the ingredients.  Les Balm will not go rancid as long as water is not introduced, and kept covered.  Due to the long shelf life, many Les Balm users only apply to skin for dermatological conditions such as skin cancer, thermal burns, severe frostbite, deep contusions and bruises, lesions, deep un-healing rashes, herpes infections.   Les Balm is safe for all mammals, consequently a couple of the most repetitive customers own horses and dogs.
Les Balm as a skin food, gives me good health, vibrant energy, enables me to avoid some of the discomforts of aging.
        Les Balm Jingle:  Ooo Les Balm Chic Cheeky Chicky Balm Balm...Les Balm makes you want to BomBom

            Les Balm is '
the BOMB'    
Retirement has many

Our skin is a giant sponge, the body's largest organ. Feeding it properly has great rewards for long life.

Elderly Skin Healed with 100% Organic, Cannabis Based
      http://www.lesbalm.com.Witness the healed areas of my Mothers leg skin by using Les Balm.

                                     Les Balm Relives Pain

Les Balm Customer Testimonials

Lessons for sprouting seeds for sustainable nutrition.
Fresh food every 5 days

Ooo Les Balm Les Balm La Cheeky Chicky Balm Balm...Les Balm Le Chauvan Classy Les Balm Balm Balm

Forest Bathing: 
The Japanese term Shinrin-yoku may literally mean "forest bathing," but it doesn't involve soaking in a tub among the trees.  Rather it refers to spending time in the woods for its therapeutic (or bathing) effect.  Most of us have felt tension slip away in the midst of trees and nature's beauty.  But science now confirms its healing influence on the body.  When you spend a few hours on a woodland hike or camping by a lake you breathe in phytoncides, active substances released by plants to protect them agannst insects and from rotting, which appear to lower blood pressure and stress and boost your immune system.

My Indian Grand Mother 4 generations (1750) past "WaLi" Vann, was a respected Shaman, notorious for healing potions, her spells feared by the powerful. She grew her herbs on the roof top to keep them safe from critters. My Vann Indian Family.

Our Ancestors knew Herbalism The ingredients to healing, quench your skin, Earth (Turtle Island) gives us healing - plants, mushrooms, organic substances.

Recipe varies as to potency of plants, which vary by season influenced by rain and sun. Because one might be allergic to mushrooms, or lavender, or any of the plants in Les Balm, one should do a 24 hour patch test (blob of salve/balm on bandage on inner wrist), 24 hours before apply all over ones body.  To date no one has had a negative response to 100% Organic Les Balm.

I have used this product every day for the last fifteen years.  At 72 years old, I look healthy, I am happy, I want the same for you.

Retirement is bliss when one uses 100% Organic Cannabis
        Based http://www.lesbalm.com    Debby in
        Ecoboutiquo Fashion Show http://www.ecoboutiquo.com

Full Moon Celebration August 2012          Ecoboutiquo Fashion Show Earth Day 2012
I am 64 years old in these photos, using Les Balm for seven years at the time.


Stores Selling    Les Balm ®

Suggested retail price for 2 ounce jar or tin $45.00
          Les Balm 1/2 ounce tube $12.50

In Lawrence Kansas Les Balm is available at Green Goddess located at 19th and Haskell (south east corner)

To make purchase, or provide comment.   lesbalmchic@gmail.com    
New Vendors welcome
- Wholesale in Units of 6 with required State Sale Tax Number

Happiness Always 

ooo Les Balm Chic Cheeky Chicky Les Balm..Balm Balm Chicie Cheeky La Chicky Les Balm

Last update December 2021, webmaster Debby Moore